Wednesday, September 14, 2011

The future of our country.

Please don't count the inaccuracies in the following conversation.  She's 5, ok?  I'm doing the best I can over here.  And I still think I handled it better than I did the where do babies come from discussion.

I liked it better when she just ate things she found on the floor and didn't talk.

"Mom.  Is there only one President in the whole entire world?"

"No.  There is one President of the United States, but the world has a lot of countries, and other countries have their own president, or a king, or a queen, or a prime minister..."

"What's a prime minister?"

"Um.  It's like a president."

"So every country has a president?"

"No...some do, and some don't.  Every country gets to choose its own kind of government."

"What's a goverment?"

"It's the people who are in charge of making the laws."

"Oh!  I want to be one of THOSE people."

"You want to be in the government?"



"Does the President make all the laws?"

"Well.  No...there are lots and lots of people in the government, and everybody in the country gets to vote for who they want those people to be and what they want them to do, and the President is like...the...boss of the government."

"Oh.  Well then I'm gonna be the President."


"So I can be the boss."


"Where do I sign up?"

"Um.  You have to work really really hard your whole life and then get people to vote for you."

"I know what voting is!  And I have to run around and yell really loud VOTE ME! VOTE ME! VOTE ME!"

"Yes.  Exactly."

"And then I'll be the President."

"Well.  Lots of people want to be President, and you have to get the most votes of all the people who want the job."

"Oh.  Well I'll just yell VOTE ME like a hundred and fifty times."

"It's in the bag."